The Steam Community

The Steam Community is comprised of people who play all sorts of PC games.
Now it's easy to find your friends online, organize groups, join chats, host matches and more.
Best of all, it's free.

360,489 In-Game   |   2,248,819 Online

Use The Steam Community to...

  • Create your own profile page
  • Create and join groups
  • Easily see your friends online and in-game
  • Schedule matches and events
  • Review who you've played with lately
  • Track gameplay stats
  • Chat with groups
  • Chat via voice in-game or out

Already have Steam?

You're just one step away from full-fledged membership. Simply log in to Steam and go to the community tab to access and set up your profile page.

New to steam?

Join Steam for free and purchase full retail versions of games delivered straight to your desktop, complete with automatic updates and in-game community features.

Take a tour of Steam to learn more.